October 12, 2015

Mortuary staff in Mumbai were given a big surprise when a man woke up shortly before a Post-Mortem Examination.

The 50-year-old homeless man was declared dead by a senior doctor in the Indian city and sent immediately to the mortuary - against hospital rules..Doctors said the man, named as Prakash, had a metabolic disorder and was delirious when police brought him in.Speaking at a news conference on Monday, Dr Suleman Merchant, the dean of Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital, said Prakash was an alcoholic who had "neglected himself" and had maggots on his face and ears."Maggots eat human tissues. Usually dead bodies have maggots. He must have been lying around for at least six or seven days," said Dr Merchant.He told reporters that the doctor who examined Prakash had checked the patient's pulse, respiration, and heart.Dr Merchant said the hospital had launched an inquiry into the breach of protocol that led Prakash to be taken immediately to the mortuary.Prakash is in a stable condition in the hospital's intensive care unit where he is being treated for an ear infection and malnourishment, Dr Merchant said.

The only important questions here are; who declared him dead, and who gave him a diploma? The Dead are supposed to be kept on the ward for two hours in case the doctor has made an error.They could have used the hospital rules.


Popular Energy drink, Dragon has been banned by the government, as it violates the country's health standards, it has been confirmed.
The Ministry of Health and Child Care said the Dragon Energy Drink violates import procedures and does not meet the required health standards of beverages in the country.
“Analysis results of the energy drink have shown that: The drink is violating S.I. 265 of 2002; i) Section 5 (1) (e) The artificial flavourings contained therein are not declared by names on the list of ingredients. The label bears the claims ‘‘THE POWER IS YOURS’’ and specifically designed to maximise ‘‘mental and physical performance’’ which cannot be substantiated, said Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Brigadier-General Dr Gerald Gwinji in announcing the ban.
Environmental health officers have been instructed to remove all Dragon Energy Drinks found in any retail shops.
Reports say another drink Twizza, a non alcoholic beverage, has been banned for the same reasons


yes am in support of the ban of this drink but at first when you saw  them flooding in streets didn’t you have tested them before they entered into our country it shows that someone didn't do his job before  they enter the country  .

October 10, 2015


Strong winds in Gaborone yesterday evening knocked down power lines in block 7.Block 7 have gone without power since last night as the winds knocked down several lines.These power damage had been affected many department,Limkowing University suffered the affection of power damage as their part of system went down in this inconvenienced the school work 
 Botswana Power corporation technical teams were working around the clock to fix the lines.


Of the most famous musicians that Batswana have ever embraced, Momo Mohamed had etched himself an eternal place in the hearts of the people.

Amongst a plethora of eulogies to the fallen giant, who took his last breath on Monday October 5 after being taken ill to the hospital, are that he was such a rare talent. Just a few hours after Momo passed on, local artistes paid tribute to a man they considered immensely gifted and with undying love for music. Famed for his all-time favourite hit song Oule, Momo proved to be quite an unselfish person who was willing to help grow Botswana’s musical talent. He originated from the Island Archipelago of Comoros, but would in the late 90s find a home in Botswana.As a symbol of musical success, Momo was a typical man who rose from humble and doubt-filled origins in his native Comoros to come to stamp his will and influence among Batswana.As lamentations steadily mount in various musical quarters to remember the fallen musical titan, one’s mind jogs to a few years ago when he dropped an album that just fell short of becoming a national anthem, Oule. Popularised by Kassav, a Caribbean band formed in Guadeloupe in 1979, the song shot Momo to stardom after spending some years as a closed book at the then Gaborone Sun, where he was engaged as an in-house entertainer. “I had a problem of identifying the right talent for our guests and Momo provided that upon our first meeting. After that we never looked back. He was just great in what he was doing, probably because he studied music as a career.One such talent that Momo worked closely with was the self-acclaimed master lead guitarist, Kapenda Katuta. It was through the deftness of Katuta on the chords that Momo put together the fast paced, yet soul soothing instrumental song, Go tla siama from Walala Wa Sala album. Ironically a day before Momo passed on, Katuta had sent him a request on Facebook as they were to work on an album together in the near future.
Momo was quite versatile and his first album came as a result of experimenting. He always struck a balance between any genre; either popular or classical music Momo as someone who appreciated talent and was ready to work with upcoming artistes. May his soul rest in peace.


Gaborone Town Council has passed a motion seeking to revoke the name Ditimamodimo for Gaborone Block 7 “and any other area in Gaborone where the gravity of concern has been ascertained and formalized in writing.”
Presenting the motion, nominated Councillor, Mr Kagiso Ntime stated that the Gaborone Block 7 residents were strongly against the name.Councillor Ntime was of the view that residents should not be forced to accept a name they did not want, adding that if ever the name was discussed back then, the current residents should be re-consulted to find out if they still prefer the name or not.He said for residents of Block 7 to petition the government was a huge step, suggesting that the area should remain Block 7 or given a different name.
Supporting the motion, residents should be given a chance to name their suburb. Instead of Ditimamodimo, residents could use names of heroes and people who contributed immensely to the country’s development. Residents of Block 7 should be allowed to suggest their desired names,because some residents showed their displeasure at the name .They needed to consult before the naming of the area as a key in nation building.

October 7, 2015


The Department of Meteorological Services has warned of a heat wave over most parts of the country, this week, that will go into the weekend.
A heat wave is when temperatures that are above normal average temperatures by 5 degrees Celsius are experienced consistently at a particular area.
 Principal Meteorologist at the Department of Meteorological Services, Radithupa Radithupa, said the country will generally experience a heat wave with temperatures at 39 Degrees Celsius in the Ngamiland area with Gaborone at 37 Degree Celsius.
Meanwhile a General Practitioner at Princess Marina Hospital, Doctor Rodgers Moeng has warned the public against the dangers of not taking preventative measures against dehydration resulting from the rise in temperatures currently being experienced in the country.
Dr Moeng said dehydration can exacerbate other health issues like heart disease and hypertension in patients who do not rehydrate during high temperatures.
He added that it could lead to ailments such as heat rash, heat stroke or even death.
I encouraged members of the public to take precautionary measures against the soaring temperatures to avoid complications from the heat.Wear sunblock, wear hats, sunglasses and drink plenty of water. It would do you a lot of good to avoid staying in the sun for too long. Avoid prolonged stay under the sun, if at all possible stay under the shade.


A new type of female condoms to be worn as a panty is set to be introduced on the Uganda market. Female panty condom is made of bio-gradable latex.It is currently undergoing  testing at the National Drug Authority before it can go on market. This introduction is due to the poor use of contraceptives in Uganda.It also come at the rejection of females condoms inn the country under the argument of dis comfort and irritation .
Kenneth Mugumya  the national coordinator of Uganda family planning consortium, says the condom which is 10 times thinner than other condoms,is anti allergic and reduces pressure, six years ago the pant condoms were introduced in Colombia and are currently available in Europe.
 I think companies should stick to the idea of having only type of condom which is for man and work on improving its current weakness unless the panty condom will protect against rapist since they wear them like panties.